Converting Modem cable plug into an ethernet cable plug. FREE cabling and networking Helpdesk
 Question by Richard Jones posted 13 Feb 2006
 Converting Modem cable plug into an ethernet cable plug.
I have recently moved back from Germany and brought back with me a wireless modem router for broadband. The ADSL filter that came with the router only has a phone phone socket out and a ethernet cable out. Is there any way of getting an adapter to turn the modem cable plug from my new filter into an ethernet plug so it can fit into the back of my Modem router? Alternatively is there anyway of turning a german phone plug into a uk phone plug. Thanks for your help,
Rich Jones
 Answer by Joseph Golan posted 13 Feb 2006
Dear Richard,

I am a little confused by your question but maybe it is a difference in terminology for the UK. Here in the USA the filter is used only for telephones other then the actual DSL modem/wireless router. It is normally needed to filter out the data noise caused by the DSL signal riding on voice pair. You do not use the filter for the connection to the DSL modem.

As far as converting your German telephone plug to one suitable for use in the UK, I would think that a visit to your local "Radio Spares" shop will find a correct adapter. They should also be able to supply additional DSL filters, if you need them, with UK type connections.

I'm not sure exactly what is the input jack is on the Modem (DSL line) as you didn't specify or supply a make & model # of the unit.

Joseph Golan, RCDD

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