ADSL cable - Crossed or Straight Through? FREE cabling and networking Helpdesk
 Question by Greg S posted 18 Aug 2004
 ADSL cable - Crossed or Straight Through?
Hi, I have 2 ADSL modems in my house both using rj11 cables to connect to their filters. They both work fine but one has a cable wired with pins 2 and 3 crossed, while the other has pins 2 and 3 wired straight through! Is it manufacturer specific?
 Answer by Joseph Golan posted 27 Aug 2004
Dear Greg,

I have no experience in this to tell you if it is manufacturer specific but I suspect the line is not required to be polarized, similar to newer touch-tone type telephones vs. the older ones which would not work if the line was reversed.

Joseph Golan, RCDD

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